JKSSB Exam preparation books

If you are aiming to crack the JKSSB exam and secure your dream job, then having the right preparation books is crucial. In this comprehensive guide, we will take you through the best JKSSB exam preparation books that will help you ace the exam with flying colors.

Why is it important to choose the right preparation books?

Choosing the right preparation books is essential as they act as your guiding tool throughout your exam preparation journey. The right books will cover all the important topics, provide in-depth explanations, and offer practice questions to help you master the concepts. By investing in the best preparation books, you can enhance your knowledge and boost your confidence, leading to better performance in the exam.

What are the top JKSSB exam preparation books?

  1. “Master Guide JKSSB Assistant Compiler Recruitment Exam” by Arihant Publications: This book covers all the topics from the exam syllabus in a detailed manner. It also includes practice sets and previous year’s question papers to help you assess your preparation level.
  2. “JKSSB Junior Assistant Recruitment Exam Guide” by RPH Editorial Board: This book is a comprehensive guide that covers all the subjects with clarity. It includes solved papers, practice questions, and tips for effective exam preparation.
  3. “General Knowledge 2022” by Manohar Pandey: This book is a must-have for JKSSB exam aspirants as it covers a wide range of topics related to general knowledge, current affairs, and static GK. It will help you stay updated with the latest news and events.
  4. “Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation for the CAT” by Nishit Sinha: This book is perfect for enhancing your logical reasoning and data interpretation skills, which are essential for the JKSSB exam. It includes practice questions and tips to improve your problem-solving abilities.
  5. “Objective General English” by S.P. Bakshi: This book is a comprehensive guide to mastering the English language section of the JKSSB exam. It covers grammar rules, vocabulary, and comprehension exercises to help you improve your language skills.

How to choose the right preparation books?

When selecting JKSSB exam preparation books, consider the following factors:

  • Reputation of the author: Choose books written by renowned authors or publishing houses known for their quality study material.
  • Coverage of syllabus: Ensure that the book covers all the topics mentioned in the exam syllabus.
  • Practice questions: Look for books that offer ample practice questions and solved papers to help you gauge your preparation.


In conclusion, investing in the right JKSSB exam preparation books can significantly impact your exam performance. By choosing books that cover the syllabus comprehensively, offer practice questions, and are authored by experts, you can boost your chances of success. So, pick up the recommended books mentioned above and kickstart your exam preparation journey today!

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